Welcome to my blog.
I am distinctly average. I have 2.4 children (the 0.4 being the proportion of my husband that point blank refuses to grow up) and my favourite colour to wear for most of my life has been grey. I did ok at school – couple of A’s at GCSE, couple of disappointing C’s at A-level and a 2.1 degree from my second-choice university. Standard. I have spent most of my working life in safe & steady jobs with safe & steady income, wishing I was doing something else. Every now and then I jack it all in and take a leap and now I’m doing it again
If any of this sounds like you I’d love to hear from you!
I want to build a community of collective problem-solving and peer-to-peer motivation that will emotionally support us distinctly average individuals as we navigate through this sea of mediocrity to a place of success and fulfilment.
Is it possible to be distinctly average and still get what you want from life?
Join me on my journey to find the answers…!
Check out my blog posts here