A Distinctly Average Blog

Welcome to my distinctly average blog. In my blog posts I will share with you my distinctly average experiences and thoughts as I walk through my distinctly average life. I am so grateful that we live in a time where conversation spaces can be created as quickly as an idea is thought. This is my conversation space. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  • Gap Year

    Gap Year

    I remember when I was nearing the end of my A-levels when I first heard the term ‘Gap Year’. To me this was something only available to posh kids who didn’t ever have to worry about earning a living, or worry about putting in the…

  • The Feelings of Freedom

    The Feelings of Freedom

    My head has been in a bit of a mess this New Year. I’ve been struggling to find my feet, struggling to get back into the rhythm of writing regularly and struggling to accept the cost of my new freedom. Now I don’t have a…

  • Intrinsic Motivation

    Intrinsic Motivation

    I have noticed a few things about my own motivation while reading Hidden Potential by Adam Grant. Perfectionism Lost motivation Interest is critical For now, thankfully, I have the freedom to follow my gut instincts and my interests. According to Adam Grant this is the…

  • I am not a niche

    I am not a niche

    When I started blogging I had images of people on their travels taking pictures of beautiful sunsets and journaling about great places to eat. As I understand it, that was how blogging started. From all the research I’ve been doing lately on what makes a…

  • All I want for Christmas is…

    All I want for Christmas is…

    I love Christmas. Not the ordinary amount that most people love it. I love it like it’s an overseas member of my family love it. You know how you get some people that point blank refuse to have any discussion about Christmas before July? Well…

  • Happiness is fleeting | Build resilience instead

    Happiness is fleeting | Build resilience instead

    I noticed today a contentment that I haven’t felt in a very long time. Alarmingly though, as soon as I remembered the last time I felt this, I had an immediate feeling of dread. I know something is going to come along and burst my…

  • Smash Your Intermittent Fasting Weight-loss Plateau

    Smash Your Intermittent Fasting Weight-loss Plateau

    Have you been intermittent fasting and noticed your weight-loss results have not been as good lately? Let’s delve into the reasons why so you can smash your intermittent fasting weight-loss plateau. If you read my post on Food Addiction you’ll know I’ve had a problem…

  • Do what you love

    Do what you love

    This is what it looks like when you’re doing what you love. I have waited so long to be free from a life that I did not want – a job that robbed me of feeling passion for what I do inside my paid working…

  • Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

    Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

    Is it more than just distinctly average rejection?   I’m not new to rejection unfortunately but rejection isn’t unique to me either. We all experience it and it is always painful, but rejection can hurt some of us more than others.   Clearly the cookies…

  • The Great Resignation

    The Great Resignation

    We all know about the ‘Great Resignation’. It’s the name given to the trend of people choosing to quit or change their jobs, or considering doing so in the near future. The Great Resignation started after the Covid-19 pandemic, which, according to economist Anthony Klotz…