This is what it looks like when you’re doing what you love. I have waited so long to be free from a life that I did not want – a job that robbed me of feeling passion for what I do inside my paid working hours and the freedom to do what I wanted outside of those working hours. It has been a colossal effort to get through these last few months but in doing so, I’ve also demonstrated to myself that I can.


The question now is, can I make this work? Can I life the life that I want to? Can I curate my own destiny? I love learning. Right now I am in my element. But I do not have an endless supply of time or money. The hour glass is still pretty full but it keeps running down. Let’s see what I can do with the time and money I have. Watch this space.


If you’ve thrown the towel in on your 9-5 job and you are managing to make a living from doing what you love, I’d love to hear from you and I know that others would as well. Please feel free to share your story in the comments below.


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Take care.