I love Christmas. Not the ordinary amount that most people love it. I love it like it’s an overseas member of my family love it. You know how you get some people that point blank refuse to have any discussion about Christmas before July? Well I’m one of those people that will happily watch a Christmas movie in the middle of summer. My Chrimbo tree and decorations go up in November. And that’s me using restraint! But it’s not about the presents or the food – though the food is pretty good! All I want for Christmas is…

The magic

Christmas brings a certain amount of magic. The radio that’s only usually allowed to be played on dress-down Friday is suddenly permitted to belt out round-the-clock Chrimbo tunes every day of December. Side note – my favourite Chrimbo tune this year is Katy Perry’s Cozy Little Christmas – check it out.

What’s your favourite Chrimbo tune? Let me know in the comments.

Where were we?! Everyone’s baking – there’s gingerbread men and cinnamon sticks all over the shop! Everyone’s happy to ditch their work-wear for a naff Christmas jumper and everyone’s singing and laughing and making an effort to get together. It’s lovely.


But there’s even more to it for me. My nan had nine children and I grew up around most of them. Christmas Day for me was spent at my nan’s house filled with family and running around with my cousins. The mountain of presents took up half of the living room. The massive Christmas Tree took up the other half. The chaos of present-opening time, which was an excruciating wait until after dinner, was the best part of the day for me. My big massive family were like a warm fluffy blanket and being wrapped up warm by my family is all I know.

All I want for Christmas is my family.

I don’t spend Christmas Day at my nan’s house any more but the chaos that is Christmas Day still continues – it just happens to be at our house. My brother, sister and their family now pile round to ours, where we gorge, tell jokes and play games just like I did when I was a kid. That’s what fills my cup.

What do you love about Christmas?

Spitalfields Market Christmas Tree

Old Spitalfields Market

I was wandering around Old Spitalfields Market yesterday evening and I spotted this absolutely magnificent tree. I half expected a Snowman to grab my hand and take me flying through the sky! What a sight. I love Christmas trees. If you’re anywhere near Spitalfields Market over the Xmas period check out their Christmas Market.

And if you love Xmas Trees as much as I do, there are dozens of gorgeous trees peppered around public spaces in London. Check out this roundup of the best Christmas trees in London in 2023 and if you spot any when you’re on your travels let me know your favourite.


This year we’re shaking things up and doing a little baking at home on Christmas Day. I’m not a baker and it might be an absolute disaster but I’m in a good head space right now and I feel like adding a bit more chaos to the mix. A friend of mine bought Nadiya’s Bake Me a Festive Story for my daughter a few years back and, embarrassingly, to date we’ve only read a few stories from it. The kids do love the stories. But on the big day this year we’re baking Nadiya’s Cheesy Feet Biscuits with Red Pepper Dip and Speculoos Coconut Truffles.

If you want to join in on the baking fun but don’t yet have the book, you can use the following recipes:

Happy Baking!

How are you spending Christmas Day?

However you spend your Christmas, be it with family, friends or on your own in some woolly socks, drinking hot chocolate and listening to Michael Bublé on repeat, I wish you a very Merry Xmas!

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Take care.